COVID19 Measures
Whilst we are excited to be returning to face-to-face teaching, we have made some important changes in response to the COVID19 government guidelines. Please take note of the following, so we can all do our bit in staying COVID safe.
In accordance with health advice, students and parents must NOT ATTEND Antz Pantz Dance classes if they:
are COVID-19 positive. You cannot attend Antz Pantz Dance classes until you have met the required isolation period required by the Victorian Department of health.
have been identified as a close contact of a confirmed case, as defined by the Victorian Department of Health.
are unwell or have flu like symptoms including: a cough, high temperature, running nose or sore throat. If you or your child present with any of these symptoms, you will be asked to leave the class and we will offer you an extra make-up class for the missed session.
Staff will also stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days if they are unwell or have any flu-like symptoms or if they have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. If this results in classes being cancelled, refunds will be made for any classes cancelled by Antz Pantz Dance.
Spectators Limits
To adhere to density limits, only one parent, guardian or carer will be allowed per child/family.